Altitudes of Top Destinations and Attractions in Tibet

16 July 2024 Last updated at 18:07

Altitudes in TibetMount Everest(8844.43m) - Highest Peak in the World

Having an average altitude of about 4900 meters (16,000 ft), Tibet is regarded as the Roof of the World and the Third Pole. It is the highest land in the world. Everything seems to be high and far, such as the snow peaks, lakes, grasslands, glaciers, canyons, etc. The highest altitude in Tibet is Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world with an altitude of 8,848 meters (29,029 ft - the height of snow and ice calculated). The lowest altitude is only 115 meters in the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon. Generally speaking, the northern (Nagchu), western (Ngari) and southern (Shigatse) regions are higher than the central (Gyantse and Lhasa) and eastern Tibet (Shannan and Nyingchi).

Most of attractions in Tibet are located over 3700 meters above the sea level. The elevations of some higher places, such as EBC, Namtso Lake, Yamdrok Lake, Mount Kailash(trek) may reach to more than 4500 meters between 5700 meters. Check details as below table:

Destinations Average Altitude Tibet Attractions Average Altitude
Lhasa(拉萨) 3650m Potala Palace(布达拉宫) 3750m
Shigatse(日喀则) 3837m Jokhang Temple(大昭寺) 3650m
Gyantse(江孜) 4040m Namtso Lake(纳木错) 4718m
Nyingchi(林芝) 3000m Sera Monastery(色拉寺) 3700m
Bome(波密) 2737m Drepung Monastery(哲蚌寺) 3800m
Lhatse(拉孜) 4516m Ganden Monastery(甘丹寺) 3800m
Gonggar(贡嘎) 3555m Barkhor Street(八廓街) 3650m
Tsetang(泽当) 3553m EBC(珠峰大本营) 5200m
Qingpu(青朴) 4300m Rongbuk Monastery(绒布寺) 4980m
Tingri(定日) 4301m Mount Everest(珠峰) 8844.43m
Zhangmu(樟木) 2400m Yamdrok Lake(羊湖) 4441m
Nagchu(那曲) 4508m Nyainqentanglha(聂青唐古拉山) 7111m
Damxiong(当雄) 4200m Tsonag Lake(措那湖) 4210m
Ngari(阿里) 4500m Changtang Grassland(羌塘草原) 4500m
Shiquanhe(狮泉河) 4279m Nyainqentanglha(聂青唐古拉山) 7111m
Zhada(扎达) 4300m Mt. Kailash(冈仁波齐峰) 7111m
Pulan(普兰) 3901m Manasarovarl Lake(玛旁雍错) 4888m
Darchen(塔尔钦) 4700m Guge Ruin(古格王朝遗址) 3700m
Saga(萨嘎) 4502m Peikutso(佩枯措) 4590m
Mainlin(米林) 2950m Basum Tso Lake(巴松措) 3460m
Medog(墨脱) 1200m Namjagbarwa(南伽巴瓦峰) 7782m
Sakya(萨迦县) 2950m Lulang Forest(鲁朗林海) 3270m
Bayi(八一镇) 2900m Yumbulagang Palace(雍布拉康) 3700m
Nimu(尼木) 3810m Samye Monastery(桑耶寺) 3600m
Yadong(亚东县) 3400m Yurlung Zangbo Grand Cayon 2880m
Gyrong(吉隆县) 4200m Karola Glacier(卡若拉冰川) 5560m
Nagarze(浪卡子) 4431m Palcho Monastery(白居寺) 3900m
Qamdo(昌都) 3240m Gyantse Dzong(江孜宗) 4200m

How to Avoid High Altitude Sickness in Tibet

Traveling on a land with average altitude more than 4,900 meters, many of travelers may suffer from High Altitude Sickness of different levels. But do not to worry much, the High Altitude Sickness can be prevented if you prepare well. Besides, the High Altitude Sickness usually can heal itself by eventually acclimatizing your body to the altitude, air pressure and temperatures. Below are some useful tips about how to avoid Hight Altitude Sickness in Tibet:

• Take a physical examination and consult your doctor for advice on preparing AMS medication

• Avoid catching a cold before taking your flight/train to Tibet

• Avoid strenuous activities, such as running, jumping or climb up to high mountains during the first 2~3 arrival days

• Avoid taking a shower in the arrival day

• Drinking more water is helpful, but drinking alcohol is not recommended

• During your arrival and trip in Lhasa, you should walk at slow pace, take deep breaths. Leave plenty of time to acclimatize

• When you need to ascend to higher altitudes, you must ascent gradually. If you begin to feel High Altitude Sickness, stop ascend any higher, or retreat to lower altitude

• Some hotels in Lhasa also have Oxygen supply. You can also let your tour guide take you to local hospital for treatment

Travel from Lower Altitudes to Higher Altitudes

You are suggested to travel the lower altitude places first, such as Lhasa(3,658 m / 12,001 ft), Nyingchi(3,000 m / 9,842.5 ft), Shannan(3,500 m / 11,483 ft), Shigatse(3,836 m (12,585 ft), Gyantse(4,040 m /13,254.6 ft), then gradually extend your trip to higher places, such as Mount Everest(5,200m / 17,060f t), Namtso Lake(4,718 m / 15479 ft), Mount Kailash Kora (5,630m / 18471 ft), which will be very helpful for avoiding severe High Altitude Sickness.

- More tips about how to avoid High Altitude Sickness

- How to plan a Tibet itinerary

Altitudes in Tibet Patala Palace (3700m)Altitudes in TibetNamtso Lake (4718m)

Recommended Tour Packages

Escorted by a skilled private drivers and companied by a professional local tour guide to organize all the activities, all you have to do is to enjoy your fantastic Tibet journey. Time can never be wasted waiting for a group, hopping on and off buses or negotiating unfamiliar destinations.

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